Here are they..

Cute little onchs are hard to spot about the rocks cos they camouflage so damn well! But if u just focus abit, there are actually hundreds of them crawling all over the rocks! So be careful when stepping on the rocks! Rem Ley Kun or Crystal called them as Mr Ong :p
Heres Mr Ong, flipped over, showing its muscular foot. Mr Ong is actually a kind of slug that breathe air on their backside! Gee...gross...
As I told KS before, if theres just one thing new that I see at the intertidals I will be very happy lao. But theres many first times today so... :D
#1 A branched tentacle anemone feeding on a crab. I wonder how long it will take to ingest the crab.
#2 One of the most posionous mosiac crab (Lophozozymus pictor) around this region. People have died eating them as the toxins cannot be remove through cooking. Another interesting thing is that the red intensity of their shells seems to reflect their level of toxicity.
#3 Phyllodesmium briareum nudibranch as ID by KS. Apparently this nudibranch doesnt sting, and it has symbiotic algae which it acquired from the soft corals which it feeds on.
#4 Normally I won't bat an eye to fishes, especially small ones. But this tiny creature has an amazing ability, it can change its skin tone! from a dull grey color to a fiery electric blue! Amazing right?
Group and Onch photos are taken from Crys album, thanx!
I've never seen an anemone feeding 'live'. Great find~
Also, Thanks again the gift of the metal sticks. =)
Np dude :)
yay...another holder of the metal chopsticks with compliments from siyang
I was locked in battle for dunno how long with that %$#^@ mosaic crab; it was hiding in a coral and nearly stole both my chopsticks. Luckily I was wearing gloves and ended up sticking my hand in and just grabbing the crab. *grumble*
The little baby damselfish (I think they're damselfish) are so cute!
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