
Sunday, October 17, 2010

A forgotten mangrove?

This mangrove came as an surprise, since I was more of expecting a coastal plant forest vegetation during this trip with PY at one of the Northern shores.

The dominant vegetation of this reclaimed part of the land are Casuarina equisetifolia, with weeds as the undergrowth.

And here is the natural coastline, with some Coconut trees and other common coastal plants.

I was, I must say, pleasantly surprise to find this exotic plant Ochna kirkii here. Think I have grown to like it after writing about it in an upcoming article.

It is also known as the Mickey Mouse plant because of its red persistent sepals, black fruits and whisker-like stamens.

Here are the tiny flowers of Colubrina asiatica.

Looks like this most widely planted tree in Singapore, Albizia saman or the rain tree has found its way here too.

The yellow flame, unlike the rain tree, is native but considered critically endangered in its native habitat.

Rather common coastal plants, Pouteria obovata (Update: Looks like the genus have changed to Planchonella),

And pong pong, probably Cerbera odollam.

This is a common coastal legume, Dendrolobium umbellatum.

This sapling reminds me of Guettarda speciosa, which I saw in Malaysia half a year back.

My suspicions were confirmed after seeing a larger tree,

With fruits.

A critically endangered plant, Calophyllum inophyllum.

Another endangered plant, Pongamia pinnata.

And another, Aphanamixis polystachya. This endangered tree has managed to regenerate back successfully in many disturbed forests here.

This portia tree, Thespesia populnea has the black headed cotton stainer bug all over, sucking on the seeds.

This is my first time seeing the seashore morning glory, Ipomoea pes-caprae climbing.

After walking awhile down the coastline, we saw this small river cutting through, and wala~ mangroves! 
I did not really pay close attention to many of the mangrove diversity there, but I registered some common ones like Avicennia alba, A. rumphiana and Bruguiera cylindrica.

Several stands of Nipah palm, Nypa fruiticans were also there.

The Dungun, Heritiera littoralis, has shiny bronze underside leaves. It is rather common here.

A rather irritating plant, because of its recurved hooks, Oxyceros longiflorus.

And lastly, probably the find of my day, a Hoya climber, probably Hoya latifolia.