
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Quick walk at Petai Trail

This weekend I was back in MacRitchie again but took a much faster pace than normal as I had to meet my friend soon.


Some climber from the family Connaraceae, probably Agelaea borneensis. It was a pity that the flowers had just died out.

A racket-tailed drongo was perched a few metres on a low lying branch, and it stayed there even when two people passed directly under it, both bird and humans oblivious to each other.

The only flower which I managed to find is this Clerodendrum deflexum, a small shrub.

Finally a Dipeterocarp which seemed rather common there, Hopea mengarawan.

This could have been the shot of the day for me, if not for the silly compact camera that can’t focus manually. A slender squirrel chewing on what looked like an acorn fruit. Perhaps its time to buy an SLR…

A cluster of fruit belonging to an unknown plant.

The same plant which I saw last week. More of the fruits are turning black, though they do not appear to be completely riped.

Some climbers use hooks to climb. But for this common climber, Indorouchera griffithiana, the hooks thicken upon hooking on another or the even on itself.

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