
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trigger happy in my neighbourhood

Wasn’t really in a mood to go rambling to some forest this weekend so I decided just to take a short walk about the neighbourhood today.


Here is Punggol Park~


Tanjong tree (Mimusops elengi) fruits.


Unopened inflorescence of a plant, the ID slipped my mind at this moment…


Flowers of the Cat’s Tail (Typha angustifolia). The top fuzzy tip are the male inflorescences while the separating from it, at a short distance below is the female inflorescence.


These are the fruits of the popular bonsai plant, Wrightia religiosa, or Sui Mei in Chinese.


On my way to the gym, I saw this male olive back sunbird feeding on the flower of the Heliconia sp. plant. Back in its native habitat in the neo-tropics, this genera is pollinated by Humming birds. Guess it has found a substitute here?


Further down the path, I saw two Javan mynas eating the leaves of the common naturalised herb, Asystasia gangetica ssp. micrantha. Folivory? =S


And lastly, I finally saw the seeds of the broad-leaf mahongy (Swietenia macrophylla). These common roadside tree has been bearing the fruits for several months now. The seeds each bear a wing and this allows it to turn like a helicopter, slowing its descend and hopefully, with a gush of wind, aid in its dispersal from its parent.

1 comment:

  1. The yellow dangling "unopened inflorescence" shown in the 3rd photo belongs to Lophanthera lactescens (Golden Chain Tree).

    This semi-deciduous Brazilian native was horticulturally introduced to S'pore & M'sia in recent years.
