
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Life in wastelands

I made two recent trips to two patches of wasteland forest in Clementi. To say that they are wastelands is an understatement. While the diversity cannot be compared to our nature reserves, they are still teeming with life and sometimes host some rare species. And basically, a fun place to visit for some nature rambling in the vicinity.


YF and C investigating this exotic climber Syngonium podophyllum which has spread throughout Singapore after escaping from cultivation.


A Malayan Banyan, Ficus microcarpa stands majestically at the forest edge.


Here is how the interior looks like. Wild, messy and fun. As long as you can tolerate the mosquitoes and spider webs. :)


A magnificent specimen of a fig strangling a logan tree, Dimocarpus logan.


One of the nice thing about this forest is apparent abundance of the endangered fig, Ficus apiocarpa. This patch is literally covered with the climbing fig. I guess this is probably the locality with its highest density in Singapore. You can see it climbing on a durian tree here.


Figging time for Ficus apiocarpa, with many syconia on the ground. However it was impossible to take a picture of it on the fig as they were too high up the trees.


We also walked around the perimeter and found a sliverback fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos), which can create a pretty silver taboo using its silver spores.


A flowering Melicope lunu-ankenda tree, my first time seeing the flowers.


An unknown climber with a bright red fruit.


Another check off my butterfly species sightings, the Dark Brand Brown Bush.


And lastly, a white throated kingfisher perching on an Albizia tree.

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