
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mangroves in Pulau Ubin

Today, RY brought a bunch of us to Pulau Ubin to help us familise with the variety of local mangrove species that we have.

Polyura schreiber tisamenus (Blue Nawab)
Near the jetty, I spotted this pretty Blue Nawab butterfly, Polyura schreiber tisamenus. which had just emerged from its chrysalis. A mangrove butterfly, its caterpillar is known to feed on Bruguiera spp. and Rhizophora spp., but apparently it feeds on the sea hibiscus too.

Dysdercus decussatus (cotton stainer bug)
Today was also a good day for seeing the cotton stainer bugs, Dysdercus decussatus which hides in swarms under leaves. They feed on the seeds of the sea hibiscus, Hibiscus tiliaceus.

Weaver ants
Weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina, are also a common insect in the mangroves, especially on the Noni plant, Morinda citrifolia. They are notorious for their painful bite with an injection of acid to the wound.

Sonneratia ovata
An uncommon local species, Sonneratia ovata, it can be differentiate from S. alba (below) from its more circular leaves and distinct veins.

Sonneratia alba
Theres are the the fruits of Sonnertia alba, very rounded and wrapped by a calyx with lobes that bend backwards.

Bruguiera cylindrica
The propagules of Bruguiera cylindrica, like S. alba, has calyx lobes that are bend slightly backwards.

Lumnitzera littorea
Here is Lumnitzera littorea with its bright red flowers,

Lumnitzera racemosa
and L. racemosa.

Aegiceras corniculatum
Kacang Kacang, Aegiceras corniculatum means beans in Malay due to its bean like fruits.

Stick Insect
A stick insect, but where are its six legs as all insects should have? The front and back pairs of legs are actually extended forward and backwards, possibly to make it resemble more like a branch.

Ceriops zippeliana
This is Ceriops zippeliana, identifiable from the propagules which have a red collar and patterned calyx.

Dysdercus simon (cotton stainer bug)
One of the two highlights of the day. This is not the typical cotton stainer bug, but Dysdercus simon which have a black head instead, feeds on the seeds of the Portia tree, Thespesia populnea. In the Singapore Red Data book, it is classified as endangered and known only one locality between Kranji and Sungei Buloh. This is something worthy to celebrate about seeing it in Pulau Ubin too!

Bruguiera sexangula
Walking almost the entire day lost, we were finally rewarded with this Bruguiera hainesii spotted by RY! The malay name, Berus Mata Buaya, meaning crocodile eyes, refer to the large lenticels on the bark, which I unfortunately do not have a picture of.

A tiring but great day spent at Ubin. Thanks RY :)


  1. haha, who ask u to go back early ;p

  2. All plants in this blog correctly identified!


  3. really like the stick insect so cute!

