
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A year in the making

Today is a special for my blog, its the first aniversary! :D Just in time to finalise the blog template, pretty satisfied with it now. Almost up to a 100 entries (97) in total till this entry. Hmm, I didn't know I had written so much.

Anyway, I had learnt alot since I started on this blog and it has brought a whole new dimension to my life, something better of cos. Hope to get more interesting entries out with my daily encounters with nature. Singapore has many things to see indeed!

Believe it or not, it was this roadside tree, xanthostemon chrysanthus and its beautiful inflorescence that open my eye to nature.

Some special thanks to a few who has made a difference:
Ria, for sparkling my initial interest with so many things in wildsingapore to participate in. My first few and many subsequent trips has been introduced through your website.
Ron, someone whom I respected as a mentor in guiding and of intertidal life.
Kok Sheng, whom I regarded as a buddy during trips, since we started out exploring around the same time. Ur endless passion has always motivated me =)

Of cos the list is not exhaustive ^^. Also would like to apologise for not being able to commit in various groups which I had joined. Thanx for still keeping me in, Luan Keng. Promise I will be more active on any future guidings.

Any suggestions to improve my blog is most definitely welcome ^^.


  1. Congratulations! How time flies!

    I've enjoyed every single one of your posts. And learnt much from them. From dolphins and sea turtles to bugs and birds. Wow!

    It just goes to show how much there is on our little island, if we bother to look. YOU are my inspiration.

    Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to more in the years ahead :-)

  2. Happy 1 year to your bLOG!

    and keep up your postings!

  3. Congrats to the first birthday of your blog and hopefully many many more to go.

    I'm honoured to be thanked and would like to also thank you for being there. With your company and also updating of each other with news and stuffs, it has widen my perspectives and made my discoveries more fun.
