
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Night Jogging

This is my third consecutive day jogging. I'm probably one of the crazy few who jog at midnight, but I particularly enjoy the cool breeze without the blazing afternoon sun. But today I'm more crazy (as lynn would agree with me); I'm jogging with my camera strapped on my back.

I had first seen the black-crowned night heron a few months back when I was loitering about the neighbourhood at night, trying to memorise stuff for the exams. Did a post on that but sadly its gone when I accidentally deleted my whole blog last time together with other of my nooby first postings.

Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to find them this time. I had previously tried looking for them again about 8-9pm but barely find any. Saw about 6 of them as I jogged past the small canal but they were pretty attentive and flew off before I even came close.

At this big canal (overlooking punggol park) however, saw about 10 plus night herons clustered at this clearing and were pretty unperturbed with my presence. I then whipped out my camera and attempted to take some shots. Turned out that all of them were dark before I thought of adjusting the ISO. haa, me amateur sorry. People walking past me was probably wondering what the hell I was doing, but well, I'm used to it already.

Heres the only decent picture (of my standard ;p) of a black-crowned night heron I got. As the name suggested, they hunt at night and they are easily distingushed by the smart blackish upper sides flanked by two tails of white feathers extending from their head. More info can be seen from Ria's Sungei Buloh's guide.

Besides the night heron, I also saw other birds which I din really expect them to be active at night. The Striated Heron...

And what looked like a grey heron?

I was pretty lucky that the water levels are low today since this will favor them to come out to feed. Hopefully will observe more interesting stuff on future jogging trips. =)


  1. Hey just curious, where are these BCNH from?

  2. yoz.. I found them at the canal next to Punggol Park

  3. You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your blog.
