
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Household creepy crawlies

Interesting creatures lurked my room these few days...

First of all a tiny spider (1.5cm) scrambling about the floor.

But what was more amazing was this...

My softboard, for me to pin notices...and at the red circle, which is one of the holes created by a pin...

...became an entry point for a colony of ants. Amazing... I wonder if they dug an entire maze of tunnels inside the soft board. They are probably surviving well, since I often left my food on the table. opps.. Before this, still was wondering where all these ants came from when they crawl over my laptop and hand lolz.

Look at their razor sharp mandibles! Luckily they are too tiny (abt 2mm) to cause pain on me. I guess will just leave them alone there cos we are on a mutualistic relationship now, I giving them food while they helping me clear those unwanted pieces of food particles. heh....

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