
Friday, May 18, 2007

Other side of Sentosa

It was the second time I woke up so early for an intertidal trip. In fact, the first time was only during my first ever intertidal reef walk as a participant in BWV. The day didnt start so well. Only slpt for about one hr. Heart pain when I paid my taxi fare with midnight charges. And also discovered I was an hour too early to the meeting time with Andy... Even worst when I saw the constant lightning flashes in the sky.

Our fears came true when rain came pouring down just right after we reach the shelter which was also the spot to go down to the shore. It just kept getting stronger and I was totally dismayed and disappointed. If this was not enough, we seemed to be trapped in a feeding ground for mosquitoes. My arms and legs suffered more than 20 bites (correction, just did a recount, I kena 60 plus bites!!!). Sian man... >.<

The rain stopped about 1hour plus later (Phew...) A dangerous climb down the riprap and we started our exploration. This is the part of Sentosa which is to be reclaimed for the upcoming IR. An SPH reporter, Jen Lee had went the day before with Ria and gang to document the diverse marine life here. Andy was hopeful that she will do a good article of this issue in the papers.

First up is this gonggong skipping away from us using its muscular operculum.

Lots of swimming crabs about the site and they glare their meancing pincers to me when I approached

This one however, had lost both of its claws. Wonder how it feeds.

Although the sedimentation at this side of Sentosa is pretty thick and the small current or splash from our booties turned the water murky immediately, lots of corals are still able to survive here.

This is one of the most common corals found here. Disc coral of genus Turbinaria.
Closeup of polyps of Turbinaria sp. with a small bivalve hidding btw the folds. I also saw a brittle star inside but it hide away quickly when my torch shone on it.

Finger soft corals, Sinularia sp.

A huge leathery soft coral, over a metre long.

Omelette soft coral, Sarcophyton sp.

Mushroom coral

And many more corals, which I am unable to ID.

My first time seeing this big sponge, if I remember correctly, it is called the Neptune's Cup. There were 2 of them in the vicinity.

Sponges are simple organisms of the phylum Porifera and they feed by filtering nutrients from the water. Water goes into the sponge through small pores called ostia and out through bigger openings called osculum.

Another one, over looking the mainland.

I found a small octopus stranded on the land and scoped it up using my chopsticks. But it refused to let go and stuck itself to my container and chopsticks. We had to leave it there for awhile before it quietly left and hide under a sponge.

Another interesting find, an elbow crab. Another master of disguise like the hairy crab but this one had extremely long claws and a pointed, triangular "snout"

A view of the reef flat

The once iconic symbol of Sentosa, Sentosa Ferry Terminal is now half demolished to make way for the new IR.

Sorry for this lack of writing, too tired lao~~ still got a few more rounds of early trips the next few days. O_O Jiayou to myself. :)


  1. Wah, looks like I missed quite a bit before sunrise. Oh well...

    It was quite fun, the bristleworms give me the creeps though. =P

  2. So disgusting seeing you people mishandling seashore animal like though is your pets?

  3. I am sorry to hear u say this but I dun really agree with u on this. The octopus handled with care and gently released by letting itself wander off in the water.

    The purpose of handling some animals is just for photography to create awareness through mediums like blogging to show people and to appreciate our shores. We do not keep them and tried our best to minimise stress and injury.

    But I do think I pharse my sentences inappropriately and for that I apologise.

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