
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Trip to Big Sisters

Happy new year! What way to celebrate CNY then to go for another intertidal trip? Personally I hate visiting relatives, luckily got over the agony in the first day ;p

Me and Kok Sheng the amateurs are eager for this trip so we signed up together. First time to Sister's too! Rain was pouring badly; luckily Kok Sheng had a spare poncho with him. I going to buy one before the next trip lao. Now I realized its importance.

At sister’s Dr Dan brought his students to the exposed lagoon and began teaching his students about the intertidal life together with Ron.

Fish burrow
(Left) A hole made by some fish, which Dr Dan said that it decorate its with pebbles. (Right) An uphole and downhole which is actually U shaped tunnel by a 1m long worm. Gosh, can anyone recall their ID?

Moon snail trailsand collar
Dr Dan spotted a trail which he said was a moon snail trail and Ron scope up the sand with snail inside. I was totally flabbergasted with this 2 =S. And to the right is a sand collar containing the moon snail's egg (hope I din remember wrongly).

Spider couch

This is one of the more amazing finds for me. Finally I saw the spider couch! It has two pretty little eyes, barely visible in this photo. Ron was telling the students how the muscular tail or operculum is used for hopping. But alas it didn’t performed for Dr Dan they all. But just as they left, it started flipping itself over. Haha, its really very adorable.

flower crab
Dr Dan showing his class the flower crab. This guy really knows how to catch crabs! The swimming crabs always look ready to pinch me everytime I approach them. Here Dr Dan was pointing out to the two different set of claws used for.... eh shit, anyone can refresh me again?

sea urchin diadema
A Diadema sp. sea urchin. omg I din know we can find them here! They are algae gazers and scavengers.

giant reef worm eunice
A damn long worm! At first I thought that Eunice was just a name which they affectionately named it after but it was in fact its genus! 

Prof Dan Rittschof
And here, Dr Dan with his green bowl looking for more animals.

A small octopus found by Kok Sheng.

blue spotted fantail ray Taeniura lymma
As the nightfalls, we heard that wildfilms had found a blue spotted fan-tailed ray (Taeniura lymma).

Round 7pm, we headed back to the shore for a break and dinner. Delicious curry puffs with some 100 Plus! Can't ask for anything more refreshing. heh

The first sight at the night walk. A huge octopus! Wa, this has to be the biggest I have seen so far.

brittle star
A beautifully pattern brittle star. One could easily mistaken its arms for a worm. If you look closely, one of its arms is broken and another one is slowly regenerating out of it. 

mosiac crab
Here Dr Dan subdued another crab. A mosiac crab. It is said to be more posionous than the egg crabs.

Crab stand off
Look what we found. 3 crabs having a meeting?!! Two swimming crabs and a red egg crab.

Fishes fishes and more fishes! Everyone seems to be coming out at night!
A cute little puffer fish all blown up. I still dun understand why its yellow black tail fin is rendered useless and fixed at a curved angle. Or is it just having a spasm?

The master of camouflage; the toadfish...

and a flathead

fish playing dead
Now this is one interesting guy. Unlike other fishes which rely on camouflage and speed, it will rather just flip on its side and play dead! Can anyone ID? 

Other fishes like butterfly fish, large halfbeaks, cardinal fish and other big fishes bumping at my booties :D and fishes that jump in the air when we shine our torch over it! What fishes are those!

Spotted by Dr Dan. A beautiful sea anemone.

A nice sponge with a big osculum.

eel eating octopus
This had to be the sight of the day. An eel eating an octopus!

sea cucumber
A new sea cucumber for me. Pink with red strips.

land hermit crab
Sitting in a coconut husk, a land hermit crab.

Woa, what an amazing day. Totally blown over by what I saw. I also have to get some new equipment for future trips, a bigger container and metal chopsticks. Almost broke kok sheng's wooden one when trying to pry the mosaic crab.


  1. Wah~~~ You definitely saw much more exciting things than we did at Kusu...

  2. Siyang, I see through your eyes thanks

  3. Thanks Dr Dan for an enriching day. I pray for dry weather in ur future trips :D

  4. Yalo Juanhui, so shocked by the amount of animals we saw.

  5. very nice photos. our shores are still very alive!

  6. Have to say the solo shot of Dr Dan was very well-taken. Great appplication of the rule of thirds in photography :)

  7. Haa, ty. U know I have to surf the net to find out what is the rule of thirds. ;p

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